What does a 7-pin N connector do?

Every day, the roads are becoming busier. More cars are on the road, but also more trucks with trailers. For traffic safety, it is crucial that every vehicle is well-lit. Trailers also need to have lighting, but without electricity, the lights won't work, of course. Therefore, electricity needs to be conducted from the truck to the trailer. This is done by using a 7-pin N connector in combination with a 7-pin S connector. These connectors are specifically designed for the truck and trailer industry and, unlike the regular 7-pin connector, do not fit on other vehicles such as trailers.

Different ways of connecting

In order to supply a trailer with electricity, a connection to the truck has to be established. This can be done in two different ways. Firstly, the 7-pin S and 7-pin N plugs can be used. These should both be connected from the truck to the trailer. If only one plug is used, not all the lighting will be powered. The other way of connecting is to use a 15-pole plug (ISO 12098). This is the same principle as a 7-pole plug, only there is no need to connect two cables, only one.

Difference 7-pin N and 7-pin S connector

A 7-pin N and S plug both supply a trailer with electricity for its lighting. These cables are not the same and both supply different lamps with electricity. To create a clear picture, the diagram below was created. It is easy to see which plug supplies which lighting.

7-polig N

  1. Mass
  2. Rear, contour, width and license plate light left
  3. Indicator left side
  4. Brake lights
  5. Indicator right side
  6. Rear, contour, width and license plate light right
  7. Checking the trailer brake

7-polig S

1. Massa
2. Niet toegewezen
3. Reverse Light
4. Constante voeding (+24V)
5. Controle voor massa
6. Voeding schakelaar
7. mistachterlamp