What are silicones?

You've undoubtedly come across it—silicone. This material is widely used because it can be handy in many situations. It is useful as a sealant, adhesive, raw material for various products, and even as a lubricant. Silicone is a compound of silicon, carbon, and oxygen. It is an unbreakable material, often described as rubbery. So, it looks a bit like rubber, but it is something different.


Like any other material, silicones have different advantages. Of course, whether something is an advantage or a disadvantage depends partly on the situation. In any case, the material does not conduct heat very well. Furthermore, compared to other materials, it is very resistant to high and low temperatures. What is always an advantage is that it contains little or no toxic substances. So the end product is not. Silicones are also very resistant to oxygen and UV light. It is also very durable, certainly in comparison to other substances.

Silicones at TRALERT®

As mentioned earlier, silicone is a commonly used material. Its most recognizable use is probably in kitchen utensils such as baking molds. It is often found in the kitchen because it is resistant to various temperatures. However, you can also encounter the material in LED lighting. It is not used in the lamp itself but in the cables to connect the lighting.