What is ADR exemption?
The term ADR stands for ‘Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route‘. When transporting dangerous goods over the road, you will have to deal with this. Various substances are classified as dangerous in a European agreement. For the transport of dangerous substances, you may need ADR certification in some cases, for example, for your lighting such as LED work lights. But not in all cases. For an overview of dangerous substances, I refer you to the term ADR. It is also possible that you are exempt from ADR for your transport. This is the case in various situations.
When do you have ADR exemption?
Private transport
A fairly logical exemption is the one for private transport where the hazardous substances are packaged for retail and intended for personal consumption. When it comes to fuels, you do still face additional restrictions. Namely, you may carry a maximum of 240 litres of fuel in refillable containers. Each canister can hold a maximum of 60 litres of fuel. You also have to take various measures to prevent leakage.
ADR exemption associated with the company's main process
You are also exempt from ADR if you transport hazardous substances that are subordinate to the main business activity. Some examples of this could be delivering to a construction site or transporting in connection with repair, maintenance or supervision. As with private transport, there is a maximum for this. The hazardous substances may contain a maximum of 450 litres per package. For these substances too, measures must be taken to prevent leakage. What is important to know is that the ADR exemption does not apply to transport that is intended for own supply or internal or external distribution.
ADR exemption for the transport of gases
Certain gases are exempt from ADR. These are gases of groups A and O, provided the pressure at 20ºC does not exceed 2 bar and the gases are not liquid or refrigerated. This exemption also applies to gases used for the propulsion of the vehicle, i.e. when it is used as fuel. When the gases are used in food or drink, you are also exempt from ADR.
Liquid fuel exemption
Solid fuel tanks for propulsion may hold up to 1,500 litres. A tank on a trailer may hold up to 500 litres and portable tanks may hold up to 60 litres. However, it is important that you actually use this fuel to power the vehicle. If you transport vehicles, the fuel in the tank of that vehicle may also simply be transported with an exemption from ADR.